Keith was the voice on a bunch of my tunes over the years. He ran successful cover bands but then around 1988 stepped out and started The Keith Harden Band playing mostly his originals.
It was a great phase of life, I was about 30 when you're mature enough to understand the world but everything is fresh and exciting. I don't know why, but in particular his tune Prisoner of Love spoke to me and was the soundtrack for that era.
Prisoner of Love
Great guitar riff, blend between trance-like and rockin'. My all time favorite Keith tune.
Love or Addiction
Probably his biggest "hit" from that period, possibly auto-biographical regarding the woman
he was with at the time.
Black and Blue
Recorded using my cheapo nylon string acoustic.
Blue Rose Blues
I don't remember the particulars but Blue Rose was some song title I had but no song.
Trippy Hendrix-esque thing
Straight ahead rocker
He's written countless songs and I'll just refer you to KeithHarden.com for more background, pictures, tunes, etc.